The soundtrack is also very interesting, as the audio quality is also good. Nonetheless, there is a lot of great attention to detail when it comes to sets, locations, and props, especially the medical elements. There are also some awkward camera angles that give off a feel of the camera being moved around manually. While video quality is fine, there is a high amount of shaky camera work throughout this film, probably for dramatic effect.
Though this is a made-for-TV production from UP, there are some surprising production errors here. John wants to go back to the way things were, but now it’s no turning back for him or the boy who came back to life. He appears to perform more miracles, but he has no idea what to do with his newfound abilities. Though John Camdenis is just an average carpenter who doesn’t think much of himself, when his touch appears to bring a dead boy back from the dead, the small town he lives in immediately becomes ground zero for media attention and controversy.